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Everything in your entire system runs on water, just like you need air you need water. Dehydration is making us all sick and fat, and it is high time that comes to an end.

Our bodies are made up of 75% water, when we become dehydrated our blood becomes thicker making blood flow slower.

Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the system is greater than the amount taken it, and it is one of the main causes of weight gain. You lose around 10 cups of water each day through urine, perspiration, breathing, and waste elimination. It is very important to replenish the water sources before your body begins to tap into the excess needed water. Dehydration affects the body’s natural ability to burn fat, encourages excessive calorie consumption and slows the metabolism. This in return leads to excess fat being stored in the body.

The second you become thirsty; your body is already dehydrated. It is important to sip water throughout the day, always have it handy!

Drinking water first thing in the morning even before your coffee will automatically wake you up, did you know that? It boosts the blood pressure levels to normal, and it is way better than having coffee on an empty stomach.

What Happens when you don’t drink enough water?


Water is the most vital source of energy in the body. Dehydration causes enzymatic activity in the body to slow down, resulting in tiredness and fatigue.

Weight Gain

When you are dehydrated, your cells become depleted of energy that causes a reaction. When you become dehydrated, you tend to eat more, when in reality you are not hungry you are thirsty!

Premature Aging

When chronically dehydrated, the body’s organs being to wrinkle and whither prematurely. This includes the largest organ the skin. For elastic, supple, and plump skin hydration is important!

High Blood Pressure

Like stated above, when we are dehydrated the blood begins to thicken and move slower, resulting in high blood pressure.

Joint Pain and Muscle Stiffness

All of our joints have cartilage for padding that is composed mainly in water. When dehydrated it begins to weaken, and joint repair begins to slow, resulting in pain and discomfort.


When the water storage become low, the body begins to take it from other places, especially the colon. This results in a complete blockage.

Why should you drink more water?

Cancer Prevention

Various studies have shown that hydration can cut your colon cancer risk by 45%, bladder cancer risk by 50%, and breast cancer as well!

Weight Loss

Drinking water speeds up the metabolism and makes you feel “full”. You will eat less if you begin drinking more, and it is safer than most weight loss plans.

Flush Bacteria

The digestive system needs water to work properly.

Glowing Skin

Just like not enough water results in lackluster aging skin, hydration can improve the color, texture, and overall appearance.

Say Bye Bye to mood swings

Dehydration can have a negative effect on our moods, making us grumpy and confused.

So now the question is, what excuse do you have to not be drinking enough water? It is healthy, cold, refreshing, and replenishing, and not to mention the effect it will have on your looks. So what are you waiting for, go replenish those cells and have a glass of water!